Bloating, IBS, Colitis, Eczema, Depression, Acne, Asthma, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia and the list goes on. Months & years & thousands of dollars later, is your health condition still haunting you? They will never be able to fix you because; diet, medication, and exercise are all just band-aids.

There is a cure, but it’s deeper than all of those things your doctor is directing you to….

The developed world is plagued by painful, energy draining, chronic health conditions that aren’t bad enough to kill you but still dramatically impact quality of life.

Most modern health conditions share a common theme: INFLAMMATION.  And while inflammation is very real, and eating anti-inflammatory foods, exercising and the right medications can certainly drastically reduce symptoms, these things will never heal you. 

Why?  Because, unhealthy food and lack of exercise were never the cause of these problems to begin with. 

The reason we suffer from inflammation induced health problems is because society itself is inflamed.   While the concept of Zen is now trendy and slapped on every mug, t-shirt and novelty couch cushion out there, the state of Zen is more elusive than it’s ever been. Finding Zen can be near impossible.  That’s because Zen is not found in patches here and there.  Zen is a way of life.

Often, from the moment we open our eyes in the morning to when we fall into bed at night we have no peace, no slowness, no grounded-ness.

Getting out of bed in the morning is forced and frantic.  Followed by eating on the run and barely tasting our food.    If we do find time to exercise, even that can be can be rushed and hampered. Deadlines.  Rush hour.  Late penalties at daycare. 

And when we finally land some down-time, we feel guilty and don’t know what to do with ourselves.

Modern society drags us around by the adrenal glands and has us lulled into thinking we’re living in luxury.  More is constantly being asked of us.   And every technological advancement promises to provide us with more, conversely dragging still more out of us.  More productivity, more profits, better grades, streamlined processes.  More, more, more, more, more.  It’s the only way our modern society can sustain itself.

Here’s the truth.  We don’t need more.  We never did.  And this is why we are ill. 

We are misfiring.  Busting at the seams.  Modern culture is inflaming us down to our very cell structure.  Our guts churn and clamp.  Our hormones produce out of control.  We are scarecrows in a tornado.  Well intentioned medical professionals and band-aid solutions can only do so much.

And while changing our diets and self-care habits are a good start, the real sickness is in the system that brought us fast food and obesity to begin with. 

Until we change the system, until we remove the crazy, erratic, rushed, over-loaded, electronic things from our lives that feed the inflammation……… sickness is here to stay; vegan protein shake or not.

We don’t need to manage our stress, we need to eliminate it.  What we need is to slow down, down-size, push back, re-organize, de-materialize, re-structure and restore, by turning to a slower pace of life.                Eat less.  Earn less.  Own less. Waste less.  Do less.

Then, and only then will we find a  permanently slow enough pace to start a true healing process.


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