Get Your Questions Answered – 3 Common Tarot Card Spreads & The Answers They Provide


The art of Tarot is a far-reaching modality that can provide boundless wisdom. The answers found by tapping into your energy field through Tarot Cards are astounding. 

To boil it down and give you some practical information, below you will find examples of 3 useful Tarot Card Spreads used by Freedom Intuitive and the kinds of questions they can answer quickly and safely for a Querent (Person who is receiving a reading).


The Celtic Cross is most frequently used Tarot Card spread and favoured by most readers.  Its very old and relied upon, and also broad in its scope.  

I prefer to use the Celtic Cross spread to get an overall read of a Querent’s entire energy field.  The Celtic Cross Spread allows a “bird’s eye view” into many areas of a person’s life including their past, their hopes, their current challenges, influences of people around them, immediate future, long term forecast and much, much more. 

If you are seeking an objective view of your life as a whole, and the direction things are going, the Celtic Cross is very effective.



This is an excellent spread to consider if personal health and wellness is a concern, and also if you feel moved to release the past and clear blockages.

In this read a card is pulled to represent each of the seven main chakra energy centres in the human body. As reader, I then focus on each chakra individually and read the card that is pulled to represent that Chakra.  Each card is representative of the energies and issues at play within that region of the body. 



This mini-spread method is best used after a more in-depth spread has already been read within the same session.

As a reader, it enables me to hone in on specific questions and fine details. It can be used in a few ways:

1. A Three Card Draw is a perfect way to close a reading by addressing any loose ends not captured within a more elaborate and general card spread.  It can be used to provide further clarity to factors brought to light.

2. The Three Card Draw is also helpful when used to address any specific subjects not touched upon or only lightly touched upon in a broader reading.   If your broad reading was intentionally focussed on health, yet you had a specific question about a career change, it could be addressed directly in a three-card draw.  If a Celtic Cross Spread brings matters to light in a general way, the Querent can now ask detailed questions and allow a small selection of cards to address one issue specifically.

3. Single Direct Questions.  If you need advice and clarity about a very specific issue, a more elaborate spread may not address your question directly.  When I pull a Three Card Draw to address a clear and defined question, it often hits the nail right on the head and provides clear direction to the person asking. This spread is not ideal for complex emotional issues.

CLICK HERE: to learn more about having your Tarot Cards read.

Your thoughts, opinions and experiences are always welcome in the comments below. 

Mari-Claire Watkins is an Intuitive Philosopher, Engaging Speaker and Tarot Card Expert.  She writes, reads and lives in Ontario, Canada with her husband and 6 children.

Mari-Claire is available to read Tarot and speak at events all over North America.                                 LEARN MORE HERE